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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Ethics In Firm Rana Plaza - Free Solution
Questions: On April 24 2013, 1134 individuals were executed and 2,500 were harmed when the Rana Plaza working in Savar, Bangladesh crumbled on piece of clothing laborers inside its production lines. It would be known as the most noticeably terrible mishap in the article of clothing industry anyplace. This happened just five months after an awful fire at a comparable office incited driving global brands to promise to work to improve security in the countrys blasting yet inadequately directed piece of clothing industry. Work gatherings, Western attire organizations, the Bangladeshi government and others have gained some ground toward forestalling comparable disasters, however more stillneeds to be finished. There was never any uncertainty that improving working conditions in Bangladesh, one of the universes most unfortunate nations, would be inconceivably troublesome. The breakdown of RanaPlaza was only one, however by a long shot the most noticeably terrible in a progression of mechanical mishaps in Bangladeshs article of clothing industry, which has gotten perhaps the greatest exporter ofclothes to the United States and Europe as a result of its low wages. It was later found that 28 brands that sourced garments from the court included Primark, Bennetton, Mango, Matalan and Bonmache, provoking open worry about the working states of article of clothing plants the world over which add to western high road design stores. Moral industrialism urges individuals to consider how the items they purchase are sourced and created which are not hurtful to the earth and society.This can be confirm through basically buying eggs that are unfenced or boycotting products/organizations which advance kid work or upsetting working conditions. Moral commercialization is a developing business sector. An ongoing report from the Co-employable Bank demonstrated 33% of UK buyers professing to be worried about moral utilization, with countless the open ready to challenge and blacklist organizations which don't agree to moral norms. You are required to compose a scientific business report that covers the accompanying errands: Undertaking 1 Examine the manners by which organizations, similar to the ones referenced in the concentrate over, that sourced garments from the Rana Plaza can help improve strategic policies to forestall repeat of occasions of this nature. Errand 2 Pick any organization, exploration and proof how they work morally, considering their way to deal with industrialism, values and ecological neighborliness. Answers: Undertaking 1 About the report: The exposition investigations firm named Rana Plaza inside the material business in Bangladesh. Initial segment of the examination has really attempted to break down all the organizations who have sourced or are sourcing from the Rana square and the manner by which they can help themselves for development of strategic policies and counteraction of repeat of any such occurrence which occurred in Rana Plaza (Allhoff and Vaidya, 2005). Examination likewise has additionally endeavored to assess every single moral issue that were engaged with the firm just as all activities which related firms need and prerequisite to attempt further smooth continuance. Investigation and assessment of such moral just as social in addition to companywide issues will guarantee that organizations appropriately see every single thing which turned out badly in the Rana Plaza in addition to successfully get themselves far from any comparable occurrence or activities which could hurt others in comparative manner (Boylan, 2001). In the second section an association named Starbucks has been considered just as all exercises of the firm seeing central moral concern, for example, CSR and industrialism, ecological kind disposition just as convictions and qualities has been perceived as such activities will drive Starbucks objectives in addition to points into the future (Cory, 2005). Prologue to occurrence: The indispensable debacle occurred at the association Rana Plaza which is arranged inside Bangladesh, where an eight celebrated structure including six industrial facilities actually fell like the place of cards, executing roughly 1,134 works. This case likewise has put a notification on wellbeing just as security issues in the material business (Gavai, 2010). This episode has constrained the organizations to reconsider upon the morals and confidence they convey and furthermore that whether the genuine morals towards wellbeing and security of workers in being kept up or not. Additionally therefore, media, government just as customers in addition to likewise scarcely any different partners even are increasingly considering apparel organizations responsible for each wellbeing in addition to security repudiation inside their gracefully chains (Harish Jyawali, 2015). Conversation: As investors who have a place with material industry in addition to attire firms are available to components of monetary just as reputational dangers in addition to even peril that comes out of episodes joined to risky working conditions at the organizations destinations for creation. Thusly, speculators presently require conveying a critical bet in delighting firms to execute appropriate wellbeing just as security activities and practices all through their self in addition to likewise their providers tasks (Hartman, 2005).Several factors in actuality share the risk of calamity that occurred in the Rana Plaza. Bangladesh that is considered as a state having exceptionally feeble administration even faces a few auxiliary issues just as issues like absence of some certifiable principle and even guideline of the law,inadequate and scant appraisal methodology, in addition to by and large extremely inefficient confirmation towards equity for the casualties of the work-associated episodes. The firm would now be able to follow some straightforward advances and accomplish full wellbeing and security too as can get fit for staying away from any such occurrence that occurred at Rana Plaza (Mitchell, 2009). These means are: As the administration is frail in this country firms must maintain rules of permit and furthermore protections for every one of its staffs and partners The organizations must have a legitimate structure towards work The organizations must set down guidelines and guidelines for itself and must keep every one of them and even cause its staffs to follow the same(Moon, 2001) Firms must attempt to enjoy a decent appraisal and assessment process where an ideal assessment of the structure and premises and furthermore all things considered and apparatuses utilized in the destinations must be continued. The organizations must be extremely moral with regards to giving wellbeing and security to staffs and furthermore should furnish every one of its staffs with great equity and correspondence (Morais et al., 2014). Working conditions expected for all the works must be appropriately improved and looked after from that point. Great environmental measures must be kept up Not many vitality sparing strategies must be executed while creation on destinations Worker wellbeing in addition to security guidelines require to be maintain and right game plans for wellbeing just as wellbeing of representatives should likewise be made By and by, in quick results of the processing plant catastrophe, barely any organizations incredibly talked incomprehension identified with whether the industrial facilities are truly molded alongside their merchandise or probably it is only a saying.Undoubtedly, as a result of global associations which redistributed creation to the countries like Bangladesh, self-existing contractual workers regularly gave decisions inside complex in addition to imperative chains of flexibly (Paliwal, 2006). Firms here should attempt to comprehend that the expense in addition to their differentials, in actuality were genuine reasons for re-appropriating in the underlying spot, amidst completely created and furthermore scarcely any creating nations which indicated conditions inside the processing plants that were maybe inadequate, with being simply exact evidence which could refute such things. Proposal: The brands in addition to firms can really sign Accord on Building Safety and staff security in Bangladesh which would even allow the staffs to end work if by means of any source they feel that their wellbeing is underneath danger. Material industry likewise has not overlooked Rana Plaza case, and neither the customers have. It is in truth fundamental to every now and again pose inquiries in addition to search out the brands and firms which are wholeheartedly attempting to expand laborer conditions (Wurgaft, 2003). End: The significant duty was upon Bangladeshi specialists since they bombed in accurately satisfying their obligations and impulses towards ensuring works and making them mindful of the episodes and dangers and furthermore exercises towards sparing lives from those dangers. Condition of the Bangladesh, as indicated by the national and global law ought to quite attempt its best to spare and ensure all the human rights inside power since they even were fruitless in their duty which was tied in with allowing the rights just as wellbeing to the material business workers. Undertaking 2 Presentation: Starbucks really is a worldwide espresso chain and café in situated in Seattle inside United States in Washington. Alongside very nearly 17133 outlets in 49 countries Starbucks is globes biggest café firm. Wellbeing in addition to security of purchasers and the laborers is significant factor of all the moral components that must be followed inside any association (Cole, 2008). Each firm notoriety fundamentally relies on wellbeing in addition to security of the customers. Wellbeing in addition to security is additionally lawful prerequisite of government. Worldwide firms have workers who have a place with a few countries along these lines every one of them should be esteemed a great deal for fulfillment of better outcomes (Snyder, 2006). Procedure: The technique utilized here for assortment of information is auxiliary information assortment strategy. Data has been accumulated from numerous auxiliary assets like from the magazines, firms site, diaries, and even a few books. Conversation (Findings): Industrialism Starbucks social significance effectively persuades its purchasers to devour its items and furthermore this has served like a decent work environment just as mingle. Starbucks has a very common biology and is a perfect spot proposed for creating just as keeping up great relations. Culture in addition to utilization which are a few structures towards industrialism has additionally formed star bucks outlets through improvement of the social relatio
Saturday, August 22, 2020
History of the Fall of Rome
History of the Fall of Rome Hesham Alsadiq For a long time, the Roman Empire confronted numerous difficulties from inside and without. Rome was neighbored by progressively ground-breaking states. The date of the ascent and fall of Rome is easy to refute. Students of history have additionally recognized differed causes. Some accept that the fall of Rome denoted the start of the medieval times. Â 235-284ADÂ Age of disorder. In 184 AD, a great sovereign named Marcus Aurelius passed on. He was prevailing by his child Commodus, who drove the treasury into chapter 11. This was the start of disorder in Rome. In 192 AD, Commodus troops killed him. The armed forces of the realm likewise assaulted each other as they contrasted on the perfect head. In light of these inside wars, rehashed assaults by neighboring clans were effective. Had they been joined to battle their foes, maybe the Romans would have the option to protect themselves. The establishment of numerous rulers inside a limited capacity to focus years demonstrates the political precariousness and division that existed in Rome.[1] 285-305 ADÂ Tetrarchy and common wars. In 284 AD, General Diocletian became head. Some type of strength was reestablished during his rule. He isolated the Roman Empire into two for simpler administration, the Eastern and Western Empires. Every head had a lesser co-sovereign. The Empire was administered by four sovereigns during this period, every ruler having his own region. Diocletian made sure about the fringes of the domain, expanded the quantity of territories and made the armed forces larger2. Despite the fact that Diocletian figured out how to carry some financial and political dependability to the realm, forcing high tax assessment on the Romans made them lose confidence in their rulers. The oppressions were likewise out of line to the Christians. The wars toward the finish of his rule fixed the change he brought and were a cost to the empire.[2] 306-363 ADÂ Establishment of Christianity. In 312 AD, Constantine became sovereign in the East. He won a few common wars and later developed as the leader of the whole empire3 in 324 AD. He attempted to fortify Diocletians strategies. He built up Christianity as the official religion and made the Christian oppressions stop. As the Romans grasped Christianity, they started relying upon strict pioneers for direction and didn't perceive the authority of heads. Constantine likewise made a capital for the domain in the East. Thus, the Eastern Empire flourished more than the West in culture and financial development. Constantine passed on in 337AD. Constantines preferring of the East made the Western Empire more fragile. Poor monetary development brings about swelling and failure to protect a locale from outer attacks.[3] 378 AD Battle of Adrianople There was affable war until Theodosius I succeeded Constantine. In the late 300s AD, Germanic clans started to attack the Roman Empire. They looked for better day to day environments and fled because of assaults by the Huns, warriors from focal Asia4. In 378 AD, the Visigoths crushed the Romans at Adrianople. The Eastern Roman ruler, Valens, was murdered. Theodosius vanquished the Western ruler and turned into the head. To end the long-standing fights with the Visigoths, Theodosius permitted them to live in the realm. He endeavored to utilize Christianity to carry solidarity to the empire.[4] When the Roman Empire turned into an objective for assaults, its fall was unavoidable. In spite of the fact that the head attempted to look after harmony, this was not enduring. The thrashing at the fight exhibited Romes shortcoming. 395 ADÂ Final Split of the domain. In 395 AD, after Theodosius demise, the division of the Roman Empire got last. His children, Arcadius and Honorius, administered the East and West individually. Honorius was nine years of age and bumbling. He was guided by a gifted general named Stilicho5. Arcadius was eighteen and had co-managed the Eastern Empire ten years sooner with his dad. They administered every one of their locales independently, denoting the changeless split of the domain. Arrangement of youngsters in places of intensity debilitated the administration of the realm. The domain was additionally more grounded when it existed as a unit. This split made a proviso for attacks.[5] 401-454 AD Attack and catch of Rome. Despite the fact that they lived in the Roman Empire, the Visigoths confronted antagonistic vibe, high tax collection, and prejudice6. They neglected to confide in the new heads and had perceived their shortcoming. In 410 AD, under the direction of their pioneer Alaric, they assaulted Rome. They devastated huge properties possessed by the Romans. While trying to mediate, Stilicho purposed to unite with the Visigoths to vanquish the Huns. He was decapitated when suspected to be a swindler. The realm turned out to be very debilitated by these assaults. At this point, it wouldn't have been long until the domain fell. Reasonable treatment of the Visigoths may have forestalled the assault. AD476 The fall of the Emperor of Rome Different gatherings kept on attacking the realm. In 455 AD, a Germanic clan known as the Vandals assaulted Rome. In 476 AD, the Western head Romulus Augustus was crushed by a German warrior named Odoacer6. Odoacer announced himself lord, denoting the finish of the Western Roman Empire. The Eastern Roman Empire kept going an additional thousand years. With a savage as the leader of the West, the underlying personality of the Roman Empire was currently devastated. There were no way to revamp the domain. The ascent of Christianity stands apart as the fundamental factor adding as far as possible of the Roman Empire. At the point when the domain began, Christianity was not perceived. At the point when Constantine was head, he was effectively associated with Christian approach making. Theodosius made it a state religion during his rule. These sovereigns were looking for a way to bring together the realm. This religion being monotheistic was a lot of dissimilar to the customary polytheistic Roman Religion. The change was radical. Numerous assets were used in attempting to implement Christianity as a state religion. Families parted with their girls to become nuns. This caused an extraordinary populace decay. The Christians wouldn't join the armed forces as customs were included routinely. They additionally openly gave a bit of their pay to the congregation as a feature of their strict works on, causing a redirection of riches. Christian oppressions added to the previously existing inside clashes in the realm. The hardship made the Romans unfit to handle wars from outer powers. Church pioneers got persuasive in the administration. They utilized prophetic books for direction to pioneers on the best way to prevail in wars. The Roman individuals started relying upon these pioneers for direction rather than prepared military and regulatory pioneers. The Romans had recently adored the heads as divine beings. With the ubiquity of Christianity and faith in one God, the heads were less compelling. The fall of Rome, be that as it may, was not brought about by a solitary occasion. Such factors as the division of the realm into two, swelling, monetary precariousness, and military issues additionally contributed. The different attacks debilitated the military resistances and prompted the possible ousting of the sovereign. fourth September, 476 AD appears as the date Rome stopped to exist. This is the point at which the Western Roman Emperor was deposed and nobody else was pronounced ruler. Book reference Jones, A. H. M. October 1955 the decay and fall of the Roman Empire. History 40, no. 140 (1955): 209-226. Ferrill, Arther. The fall of the Roman Empire: The military clarification. London: Thames and Hudson, 1986. Jones, A. H. M. October 1955 the decay and fall of the Roman Empire. History 40, no. 140 (1955): 209-226. Williams, Stephen. Theodosius: The domain under control, London: Batsford, 1994) Gibbon, Edward. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume 2. Blue Unicorn Editions, 2001. [1] Jones, A. H. M. October 1955 the decay and fall of the Roman Empire. History 40, no. 140 (1955): 209-226. [2] Ferrill, Arther. The fall of the Roman Empire: The military clarification. London: Thames and Hudson, 1986. [3] (Jones, A. H. M. October 1955 the decay and fall of the Roman Empire. History 40, no. 140 (1955): 209-226.) [4] (Williams, Stephen. Theodosius: The domain under control, London: Batsford, 1994) [5] (Williams, Stephen. Theodosius: The domain under control, London: Batsford, 1994)
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Threatening Divorce During an Argument Will Harm Your Marriage
Why Threatening Divorce During an Argument Will Harm Your Marriage Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print Why Threatening Divorce During an Argument Will Harm Your Marriage You cant take back the D-word once you say it By Marni Feuerman Marni Feuerman is a psychotherapist in private practice who has been helping couples with marital issues for more than 27 years. Learn about our editorial policy Marni Feuerman Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on January 29, 2020 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments. Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD on January 29, 2020 MikeMix/Creative RF/Getty More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Marriage is hard and arguments are inevitable. A minor argument can escalate into a full-blown fight depending on the topic. Everyone has their triggers. Our partners tend to know what they are and have the ability to set us off in a way no other person can. When you are deeply hurt or angry, you might dip deep into your arsenal to dig out that “weapon of mass destruction†to make your point, be heard or try to get your partner to understand how upset you are. This is often in the form of threatening divorce, otherwise known as the dreaded “D-word.†According to research, thoughts of divorce are quite common over the course of a marriage. Many couples ebb and flow throughout their relationship but manage to hold things together. Some even stay blissfully happy while others hang on by a thread. There is, of course, everything in between these extremes. However, thinking about divorce and saying it are two very different things. Some marriages are beyond repair and divorce is inevitable. Whatever your situation is, when you blurt out “divorce,†it is strongly advised that you mean it, and it’s not just an empty threat. “During an argument, emotions are running wild, and lots of things are said that are in ‘the heat of the moment, but the threat of divorce should never be said,†advised psychologist and author Dr. Karen Sherman.?? “Clearly, the idea of divorce is the ultimate abandonment and goes to the core of peoples attachment issues. So, even though it is only at the moment and not really meant, the threat has been put out there and is frightening†she explains. Dr. Sherman believes it is more productive to say something instead such as, Im so angry (or hurt) that a part of me feels like even though Id never do it, I dont want to be with you anymore. She says that this will let your spouse know that the feeling is transitory. Dr. Paul DePompo, board-certified cognitive behavioral therapist and author?? suggests, “A spouse should never use the D-word during an argument unless this is a serious consideration and is not being said in anger. The reason why it is harmful is that it opens up the door for divorce to be on the table. He goes on to say, “This is traumatic in a sense because it brings the relationship from one that promises till death â€" to now to saying, ‘well maybe not-so-much.†Dr. DePompo also stresses that this can bring out a “protective mode†rather than a “problem-solving mode.†He recommends that couples should be vulnerable instead of defensive by targeting “the real hurt or fear that they are feeling which is hiding under their anger.†For example, he advises saying something like, “I am hurt because I feel like you are not really listening to what I am saying, and this keeps happening, and I am starting to feel alone,†or “I am afraid that if we cannot prob lem-solve this, we are not going to be able to have the relationship that we both desire.†Denise Limongello, a Manhattan licensed psychotherapist and relationship expert concurs.?? She says “the threat of divorce during an argument can be devastating to hear.†In her opinion, the happy couples she sees “avoid using that word during arguments, as it can make it seem that divorce is a possibility.†She has some tips for what couples should do instead such as, “creating a ground-rule with your spouse that bans the D-word from your vocabulary can be a great way to contract safety with your partner.†Limongello also says, “making ground-rules, of any kind, that you can both stick to, can be useful in building trust within your relationship.†She also advises “Don’t ever threaten as research shows that this leads to heightened levels of depression and anxiety, and can even affect blood pressure levels.†She believes that making threats is not a healthy behavior in a loving relationship, and there are more constructive ways to get your needs met. “Whenever you use the D-word in an argument you are removing safety, security, and trust from a relationship, which are basic human needs, says relationship coach Chris Armstrong,?? who also advises against using the D-word during an argument. First and foremost, the message gets lost. “When a spouse utters the dreaded D-word, whatever was said before or after can very often fade into the background.†He discusses how the spouse hearing this can get overwhelmed and “whatever outcome that was desired by the spouse who uttered it will likely not be achieved.†He also warns that if you get the spouse angry enough, he or she might even “call your bluff.†Alternatively, Armstrong recommends a coaching strategy called the “WAIT Principle†that helps the partner wishing to throw out the D-word stay on track with what is really trying to be communicated. These spouses should ask themselves: Why am I talking? What is the desired outcome of putting the dreaded D-word on the table? Will it help me get to my desired outcome? Have I looked at how it will land on my spouse? He emphasizes this approach because “Whenever you use the D-word in an argument you are removing safety, security, and trust from a relationship, which are basic human needs. Otherwise stated, you are telling your spouse the relationship is not a safe place to be or that the relationship is fragile and cannot withstand any stress or pressure.†Dr. Heather Ehinger, a Marriage and Family therapist specializing in high conflict relationships also believes that these couples are trying to get their needs met in an ineffective way.?? “It feels like a way to get the other person to pay attention to how serious you are. Unfortunately, just like the story of Peter and the Wolf, all threats eventually land on deaf ears.†She advised couples to “take responsibility for yourself and examine what it is you need that you are not getting.†She goes on to say that if you are not prepared to make good on the divorce threat, then stop making them as “divorce will get you divorced, threats will get you ignored. Peter found out the hard way, don’t be like Peter!â€
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Analysis Of Claude Levi Strauss s Black As Slacker...
Claude LÃ ©vi-Strauss was a French anthropologist who believed that the myths created and told by a society could be a window into the beliefs and conflicts of that society. As a Structuralist, LÃ ©vi-Strauss saw stories as language and sought to understand their underlying grammar. This he believed centered on pairs of opposite ideas, held by the culture, but creating tension within it  the raw and the cooked, the sacred and the profane, and so on. School of Rock, a 2003 film starring Jack Black as slacker Dewey Finn, shows the tension between a truly American pair of opposites: laziness vs. hard work. While in other mythologies it is a trickster character who mediates between these opposites, the nature of this American pair, and the surrounding culture, make it necessary that the trickster not remain so; he has to join one side or the other. Claude LÃ ©vi-Strauss sought a scientific approach to the interpretation of the meaning of myths. To perform an analysis, he would first collect every version and variant of a myth possible. Each version would be broken down into its individual plot elements, and these elements were then plotted on a chart to show how they fit together. The charts would be compared across variants, and eventually the true meaning of the myth would emerge. Any scientist knows that a large data pool is indispensable for getting good results. Unfortunately, there is only one School of Rock. Though I cannot be so thorough as he would have liked, the
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Biography of Rainer Maria Rilke, Austrian Poet
Rainer Maria Rilke (December 4, 1875–December 29, 1926) was an Austrian poet and writer. Known for his lyrically potent work, he combined subjective mysticism with precise observation of the objective world. Although admired only by certain circles in his own life, Rilke achieved huge popularity around the world in later decades. Fast Facts: Rainer Maria Rilke Full Name: Renà © Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria RilkeKnown For: Acclaimed poet whose work, with its intense lyricality and mysticism, bridges the traditional and modernist eras.Born: December 4, 1875 in Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary (now Czech Republic)Parents: Josef Rilke and Sophie EntzDied: December 29, 1926 in Montreux, Vaud, SwitzerlandEducation: Military academy, trade school, and finally a university degree in literature, philosophy, and art history from Charles University in PraguePublished Works: The Book of Hours (Das Stundenbuch, 1905); The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge, 1910); Duino Elegies (Duineser Elegien, 1922); Sonnets to Orpheus (Sonnette an Orpheus, 1922); Letters to a Young Poet (Briefe an einen jungen Dichter, 1929)Spouse: Clara WesthoffChildren: RuthNotable Quote: â€Å"Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror.†Early Life and Education Early Work Life and Songs (Leben und Lieder, 1894)Laress Sacrifice (Larenopfer, 1895)Dream-Crowned (Traumgekrà ¶nt, 1897)Advent (Advent, 1898)Stories of God (Geschichten vom Lieben Gott, 1900) Renà © Maria Rilke was born in Prague, the capital of what was then Austria-Hungary. His father, Josef Rilke, was a railway official who had given up an unsuccessful military career, and his mother, Sophie (â€Å"Phia†) Entz, was from a wealthy Prague family. Their marriage was unhappy and was to fail in 1884, as his mother was socially ambitious and felt she had married beneath her. Rilke’s early life was marked by his mother’s mourning for her daughter, who had died after just one week. She treated him as if he were the girl she had lost, he said later on, dressing him up and handling him almost like a big doll. In an effort to ensure the social standing his father had failed to achieve, the young Rilke was sent to a rigorous military academy in 1886, at the age of 10. The poetic and sensitive boy spent five unhappy years there, and he left in 1891 due to illness. With the help of his uncle, who recognized the boy’s gifts, Rilke managed to secure a place at a German preparatory school, which he attended for only a year until he was expelled. He returned to Prague at 16 years old. From 1892 to 1895, he was tutored for the university entrance exam, which he passed, and spent a year studying literature, art history, and philosophy at Charles University in Prague. He was already certain he would start a literary career: by 1895 he had published, at his own expense, one volume of love poetry in the style of poet Heinrich Heine, called Life and Songs (Leben und Lieder), and would publish two more shortly thereafter. None of these early books has much in the way of the keen observation that was to mark his later works. It was studying in Munich in 1897 that Rilke met and fell in love with the 36-year-old woman of letters Lou Andreas-Salomà ©, who proved to be extremely influential on Rilke’s life. Salomà © was in a celibate and open marriage, and was a remarkable woman: widely-traveled, highly intelligent, and fiercely independent, she had refused proposals from men ranging from intellectual Paul Rà ©e to philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Her relationship with Rilke lasted until 1900, in which she brought about much of his à ©ducation sentimentale and acted almost as a mother to him. It was Salomà © who suggested that Renà © change his name to Rainer, which she found more Germanic and forceful. They would remain in touch until Rilke’s death. The daughter of a Russian general and a German mother, Salomà © also took him on two trips to Russia, where he met Leo Tolstoy and the family of Boris Pasternak. It was in Russia that he fell in love with a culture which, alongside Bohemia, was to become a huge and lasting influence on his work. There he encountered an almost religiously stirring affinity, where he felt his inner reality was reflected in the world around him. This experience solidified Rilke’s mystical, spiritual, and humanitarian leanings. In 1900, Rilke stayed at the artists’ colony at Worpswede, where he began working on his poetry with renewed vigor, publishing a handful of lesser known works. It was there that he met a former pupil of Auguste Rodin, the sculptor Clara Westhoff, whom he married the following year. Their daughter Ruth was born in December of 1901. Their marriage was failed from the start; although they never divorced due to Rilke’s official status as a Catholic (though he was non-practicing), the two agreed to a separation. Rilke and Salomà © in Russia, 1900. Heritage Images / Getty Images Mysticism and Objectivity (1902-1910) Poetry and Prose Auguste Rodin (Auguste Rodin, 1903)The Book of Hours (Das Studenbuch, 1905)New Poems (Neue Gedichte, 1907)The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge (Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge, 1910) In the summer of 1902 Rilke moved to Paris, where his wife and daughter later followed, to write a book about the sculptor Auguste Rodin and, soon thereafter, to become the sculptor’s secretary and friend. Of all the living artists, Rodin was the one that he admired the most arduously. While Rilke’s only novel, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge, echoes some of the difficulties he faced in his early days in Paris, it was during this time period he enjoyed some of his most poetically productive years. One of his great works, The Book of Hours, appeared in 1905 and was followed by 1907’s New Poems and, published in 1910, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. The Book of Hours was largely developed at the artist’s colony at Worpswede, but finished in Paris. It displays the turn towards mystical religiosity that was developing in the poet, in contrast to the naturalism popular at the time, after the religious inspiration he experienced in Russia. Soon thereafter, however, Rilke developed a highly practical approach to writing, encouraged by Rodin’s emphasis on objective observation. This rejuvenated inspiration resulted in a profound transformation of style, from the subjective and mystical incantations to his famous Ding-Gedichte, or thing-poems, that were published in the New Poems. Book cover of Rilkes Book of Hours, 1920 edition. Imagno / Getty Images Poetic Silence (1911-1919) Rilke soon entered a period of inner restlessness and anguish and traveled widely within North Africa and Europe. Although none of these travels was to reignite his inspiration, when Princess Marie of Thurn und Taxis offered him hospitality at Castle Duino, near Trieste on the Dalmatian Coast, he gladly accepted. It was staying there that he began the Duino Elegies, although the book would remain unfinished for years. When World War I broke out, Rilke was staying in Germany and was barred from returning to his home in Paris, where his property was confiscated. Instead, he had to spend much of the war in Munich, where his initial patriotism and solidarity with his countrymen turned into deep opposition to the German war effort. Rilke admitted his views were far to the left and supported the 1917 Russian Revolution and the 1919 Bavarian Soviet Republic. Eventually, presumably in fear for his safety, he became quieter on the topic during fascism’s rise in Europe, although at the end of his life he once praised Mussolini in a letter and called fascism a healing agent. In any case, Rilke was certainly not cut out for war, and despaired when he was called to undergo military training. He spent six months in Vienna, but influential friends intervened for him and he was discharged and returned to Munich. The time spent in the military, however, reduced him as a poet almost entirely to silence. Duino Elegies and Sonnets to Orpheus (1919-1926) Final Works Duino Elegies (Duineser Elegien, 1922)Sonnets to Orpheus (Sonette an Orpheus, 1922) When Rilke was asked to give a lecture in Switzerland, he ended up moving to the country to escape the post-war chaos. He roamed around in search of a place to stay to finally finish the book of poems that he had started a decade before. He found a permanent residence at the Chà ¢teau de Muzot, a medieval tower that was falling apart and barely inhabitable. His patron, Werner Reinhart, paid to fix it up, and Rilke entered a period of intense creative productivity. Although he was normally extremely critical of his own work, he produced within weeks at the Chà ¢teau de Muzot what even he recognized as a masterpiece. He dedicated it to his hostess Princess Marie and called it the Duino Elegies. Published in 1923, it marked the high point of his literary career. Immediately thereafter he also finished the joyful Sonnets to Orpheus, another one of his most lauded works. Rilke painted by Helmut Westhoff in 1901. Apic / Getty Images Death From 1923 on, Rilke began to experience health problems, causing him to spend many long stays at a sanatorium in the mountains near Lake Geneva. Developing sores in his mouth and pain in his stomach, he struggled with depression. He did not stop working, however; during this time, he began translating French poetry, including Andrà © Gide and Paul Valà ©ry, which resulted in an abundance of his own poetry in French. He died of leukemia on December 29, 1926 in a sanatorium in Montreux at the age of 51, and was buried in a cemetery near the Swiss town of Visp. Literary Style and Themes Rilke’s work was from the very beginning highly emotive in character. Some critics have even called his early work â€Å"unbearably sentimental,†but luckily Rilke was to grow immensely in sophistication over the years, keeping poetic pace with his own spiritual development. One of his earlier masterworks, The Book of Hours, is a three-part cycle of poems that maps the three phases of his religious development. Later on, the collection New Poems demonstrates his newfound interest in the spiritual power of the objective world. His Ding-Gedichte, or thing poems, focus intensely on an object in a distanced, sometimes unrecognizable, way, in an attempt to allow the object to express its inner being using its own language. Frequently this object would be a sculpture, such as Rilke’s famous poem â€Å"Archaic Torso of Apollo†(â€Å"Archaischer Torso Apollos†). His later work, especially the Duino Elegies, center around the great themes of man’s loneliness, life and death, love, and the task of artists. The Sonnets to Orpheus, written almost at the same time, marks the other great themes of Rilke’s work, including his sense of joy, praise, and delight. Rilke draws on characters from Greek mythology that he refigures in his own interpretations. He is also known for his use of angel imagery; it has been suggested that Rilke’s admiration for painter El Greco influenced this interest in angels, particularly once he saw some of Greco’s work while traveling in Italy. Although Rilke was mainly a poet, he did produce one well-received novel, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge. Another beloved prose work of Rilke’s is his Letters to a Young Poet. In 1902 the 19-year-old poet Franz Xaver Kappus was a student at Theresian Military Academy and read Rilke’s work. When he learned that the older poet had studied in his own adolescence at the academy’s lower school, he reached out to him, seeking his opinion on his own work and and in deciding whether or not he should pursue a life in the Austro-Hungarian military or as a poet. In the collection of letters, which Kappus published in 1929, three years after Rilke’s death, Rilke offers his wisdom and advice in his typically lyrical, moving style. While telling the young poet to ignore criticism and not to seek fame, he writes, â€Å"Nobody can advise you and nobody can help you. Nobody. There is only one wayâ€â€go into yourself.†Letters to a Young Poet remains one o f his most popular works of today. Legacy At the time of his death, Rilke’s work was incredibly admired by certain circles of European artists, but mostly unknown to the general public. Since then, his popularity has grown steadily. In the United States he has become one of the best-selling poets today, certainly one of the most popular German-language poets ever, and is often quoted in popular culture. His work is admired for its almost healing vision of the world, and has been used by the New Age community for its mystical insight. Literarily, he has exerted an extensive influence, from poet W.H. Auden to postmodern novelist Thomas Pynchon and philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Sources â€Å"Rainer Maria Rilke.†Poetry Foundation, Poetry Foundation, Accessed 12 September 2019. â€Å"Rainer Maria Rilke.†, Academy of American Poets, Accessed 12 September 2019.Freedman, Ralph, Life of a poet: a biography of Rainer Maria Rilke, New York: Farrar, Straus Giroux, 1995.Tavis, Anna A., Rilkes Russia: a cultural encounter, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1994.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis Essay Example For Students
How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis? Essay Biology Investigation Problem: How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis? Essay The Plan We will write a custom essay on How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In my experiment I am going to see how light affects the rate of photosynthesis. To do this experiment I am going to set up the apparatus as shown in figure 1. The apparatus I am going to use are the following: 1 Tripod 1 300ml Beaker 1 Boiling Tube 1 Clamp Stand 1Clamp 1 Boss 1 Ring Binder 1 Lamp 1 1 Metre Ruler 1 Thermometer 1 Stop Clock To do the experiment I will set up the apparatus first. I will firstly place the tripod on top of the base of the clamp stand and fill the 300ml beaker with 250ml of water to create the water bath. I will place the boss in the middle of the bar on the clamp stand and place the clamp in the boss. I would then fill the boiling tube 43ml of water, put the pondweed in it and place it in the clamp. I would place the ring binder around the clamp stand surrounding the water base. Finally, I would plug in the lamp and place it 10cm away from the pondweed. I done a preliminary experiment to get an idea how to do the main and proper experiment and what would happen in the experiment. In the preliminary experiment we didnt use the safeguards so it wasnt fair experiment. We did this because it gave us the idea what problems we might face when we did the main experiment and gave us the idea how to do it. The pondweed should create photosynthesis by the following equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O6C6H12O6+ 6O2 Photosynthesis occurs when plants take in Carbon Dioxide from the surrounding air in its leaves and water from the nearby soil in its roots. The leaves then take light energy from the Sun, which is absorbed in the chlorophyll in the cells and passes it along for it to be used in photosynthesis. Glucose is produced and is converted into Starch to be stored. Oxygen is produced from the water and it is a waste product so it is released into the air. The plant uses Carbon Dioxide and water to create Carbohydrates. Glucose is a small, soluble molecule which is useless for a plant to use as energy but it converts it into Starch, which is a large and insoluble molecule, so it can be stored for to be converted back into Glucose. I made this experiment as fair as possible. Firstly, I put Sodium Bicarbonate in the boiling tube to enrich the water with Carbon Dioxide so more Oxygen bubbles would be produced. I had kept the volume of the water in the 300ml beaker and in the boiling tube the same so the temperature could stay the same, as that would affect the rate of photosynthesis. I put a ring binder around the clamp stand so that foreign light wouldnt be collected by the pondweed and continue photosynthesis after I had switched of the lamp. I constantly checked the temperature of the boiling tube and the beaker so it wouldnt affect the rate of photosynthesis. I used a thermometer to check the temperature and I used a water bath to regulate the temperature of the boiling tube. I continuously used the same pondweed in all of my experiments so that the amount of chlorophyll would stay the same and the amount of Oxygen produced would also stay the same. I predict that the amount of oxygen produced by the pondweed should decrease as I increase the distance between the boiling tube and the lamp. The rate of photosynthesis should decrease as I decrease light intensity and it should increase as I increase the light intensity. .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 , .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .postImageUrl , .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 , .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:hover , .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:visited , .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:active { border:0!important; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:active , .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0 .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf464b079ef025ea65c7eedca4915b9a0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Depression And Mental Illness (Crime) EssayObtaining Evidence DistancePreliminary Attempt 10cm72 20cm54 30cm23 40cm18 50cm*22* This set of results is the preliminary attempt. The results are inaccurate because it wasnt a fair test, as I didnt use any safeguards. 22 has a star next to it because it is an anomaly. This is due to the fact that no safeguards were used and possibly the pondweed caught foreign light. Attempts Distance12Average 10cm1206090 20cm68*65*68 30cm343132.5 40cm181516.5 50cm1099.5 These are the first set of results done with fair testing. The anomaly in these results is 65 because not all of the Sodium Bicarbonate was mixed in the boiling tube with the . How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis Essay Example For Students How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis? Essay Biology Investigation Problem: How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis? Essay The Plan We will write a custom essay on How does light affect the rate of photosynthesis? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In my experiment I am going to see how light affects the rate of photosynthesis. To do this experiment I am going to set up the apparatus as shown in figure 1. The apparatus I am going to use are the following: 1 Tripod 1 300ml Beaker 1 Boiling Tube 1 Clamp Stand 1Clamp 1 Boss 1 Ring Binder 1 Lamp 1 1 Metre Ruler 1 Thermometer 1 Stop Clock To do the experiment I will set up the apparatus first. I will firstly place the tripod on top of the base of the clamp stand and fill the 300ml beaker with 250ml of water to create the water bath. I will place the boss in the middle of the bar on the clamp stand and place the clamp in the boss. I would then fill the boiling tube 43ml of water, put the pondweed in it and place it in the clamp. I would place the ring binder around the clamp stand surrounding the water base. Finally, I would plug in the lamp and place it 10cm away from the pondweed. I done a preliminary experiment to get an idea how to do the main and proper experiment and what would happen in the experiment. In the preliminary experiment we didnt use the safeguards so it wasnt fair experiment. We did this because it gave us the idea what problems we might face when we did the main experiment and gave us the idea how to do it. The pondweed should create photosynthesis by the following equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O6C6H12O6+ 6O2 Photosynthesis occurs when plants take in Carbon Dioxide from the surrounding air in its leaves and water from the nearby soil in its roots. The leaves then take light energy from the Sun, which is absorbed in the chlorophyll in the cells and passes it along for it to be used in photosynthesis. Glucose is produced and is converted into Starch to be stored. Oxygen is produced from the water and it is a waste product so it is released into the air. The plant uses Carbon Dioxide and water to create Carbohydrates. Glucose is a small, soluble molecule which is useless for a plant to use as energy but it converts it into Starch, which is a large and insoluble molecule, so it can be stored for to be converted back into Glucose. I made this experiment as fair as possible. Firstly, I put Sodium Bicarbonate in the boiling tube to enrich the water with Carbon Dioxide so more Oxygen bubbles would be produced. I had kept the volume of the water in the 300ml beaker and in the boiling tube the same so the temperature could stay the same, as that would affect the rate of photosynthesis. I put a ring binder around the clamp stand so that foreign light wouldnt be collected by the pondweed and continue photosynthesis after I had switched of the lamp. I constantly checked the temperature of the boiling tube and the beaker so it wouldnt affect the rate of photosynthesis. I used a thermometer to check the temperature and I used a water bath to regulate the temperature of the boiling tube. I continuously used the same pondweed in all of my experiments so that the amount of chlorophyll would stay the same and the amount of Oxygen produced would also stay the same. I predict that the amount of oxygen produced by the pondweed should decrease as I increase the distance between the boiling tube and the lamp. The rate of photosynthesis should decrease as I decrease light intensity and it should increase as I increase the light intensity. .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 , .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .postImageUrl , .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 , .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:hover , .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:visited , .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:active { border:0!important; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:active , .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367 .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf8536022ebd86da016f3e11d1d9ca367:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Was he Sane? EssayObtaining Evidence DistancePreliminary Attempt 10cm72 20cm54 30cm23 40cm18 50cm*22* This set of results is the preliminary attempt. The results are inaccurate because it wasnt a fair test, as I didnt use any safeguards. 22 has a star next to it because it is an anomaly. This is due to the fact that no safeguards were used and possibly the pondweed caught foreign light. Attempts Distance12Average 10cm1206090 20cm68*65*68 30cm343132.5 40cm181516.5 50cm1099.5 These are the first set of results done with fair testing. The anomaly in these results is 65 because not all of the Sodium Bicarbonate was mixed in the boiling tube with . How Does Light Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis Essay Example For Students How Does Light Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis? Essay Biology Investigation Problem: How Does Light Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis? Essay The Plan We will write a custom essay on How Does Light Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In my experiment I am going to see how light affects the rate of photosynthesis. To do this experiment I am going to set up the apparatus as shown in figure 1. The apparatus I am going to use are the following: 1 Tripod 1 300ml Beaker 1 Boiling Tube 1 Clamp Stand 1Clamp 1 Boss 1 Ring Binder 1 Lamp 1 1 Metre Ruler 1 Thermometer 1 Stop Clock To do the experiment I will set up the apparatus first. I will firstly place the tripod on top of the base of the clamp stand and fill the 300ml beaker with 250ml of water to create the water bath. I will place the boss in the middle of the bar on the clamp stand and place the clamp in the boss. I would then fill the boiling tube 43ml of water, put the pondweed in it and place it in the clamp. I would place the ring binder around the clamp stand surrounding the water base. Finally, I would plug in the lamp and place it 10cm away from the pondweed. I done a preliminary experiment to get an idea how to do the main and proper experiment and what would happen in the experiment. In the preliminary experiment we didnt use the safeguards so it wasnt fair experiment. We did this because it gave us the idea what problems we might face when we did the main experiment and gave us the idea how to do it. The pondweed should create photosynthesis by the following equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O6C6H12O6+ 6O2 Photosynthesis occurs when plants take in Carbon Dioxide from the surrounding air in its leaves and water from the nearby soil in its roots. The leaves then take light energy from the Sun, which is absorbed in the chlorophyll in the cells and passes it along for it to be used in photosynthesis. Glucose is produced and is converted into Starch to be stored. Oxygen is produced from the water and it is a waste product so it is released into the air. The plant uses Carbon Dioxide and water to create Carbohydrates. Glucose is a small, soluble molecule which is useless for a plant to use as energy but it converts it into Starch, which is a large and insoluble molecule, so it can be stored for to be converted back into Glucose. I made this experiment as fair as possible. Firstly, I put Sodium Bicarbonate in the boiling tube to enrich the water with Carbon Dioxide so more Oxygen bubbles would be produced. I had kept the volume of the water in the 300ml beaker and in the boiling tube the same so the temperature could stay the same, as that would affect the rate of photosynthesis. I put a ring binder around the clamp stand so that foreign light wouldnt be collected by the pondweed and continue photosynthesis after I had switched of the lamp. I constantly checked the temperature of the boiling tube and the beaker so it wouldnt affect the rate of photosynthesis. I used a thermometer to check the temperature and I used a water bath to regulate the temperature of the boiling tube. I continuously used the same pondweed in all of my experiments so that the amount of chlorophyll would stay the same and the amount of Oxygen produced would also stay the same. I predict that the amount of oxygen produced by the pondweed should decrease as I increase the distance between the boiling tube and the lamp. The rate of photosynthesis should decrease as I decrease light intensity and it should increase as I increase the light intensity. .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c , .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .postImageUrl , .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c , .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:hover , .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:visited , .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:active { border:0!important; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:active , .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6e13b2fa66b38d60b172a64412327c0c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Message EssayObtaining Evidence DistancePreliminary Attempt 10cm72 20cm54 30cm23 40cm18 50cm*22* This set of results is the preliminary attempt. The results are inaccurate because it wasnt a fair test, as I didnt use any safeguards. 22 has a star next to it because it is an anomaly. This is due to the fact that no safeguards were used and possibly the pondweed caught foreign light. Attempts Distance12Average 10cm1206090 20cm68*65*68 30cm343132.5 40cm181516.5 50cm1099.5 These are the first set of results done with fair testing. The anomaly in these results is 65 because not all of the Sodium Bicarbonate was mixed in the boiling tube with the water. Attempts Distance34Average 10cm706467 20cm565254 30cm292828.5 40cm151515 50cm877.5 These .
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